Children Ministry
A love of sharing your faith with children is necessary! A background in teaching is not needed. We’ll train you!
Defining children’s ministry is an essential first step in doing children’s ministry. So let’s consider what it is.
What is children’s ministry?
Children’s ministry is a process that connects children with Jesus and His Story.
Children’s ministry is a process that connects children with Jesus and His Story.
To elaborate:
Children’s ministry is a process
- It’s helping children become more like Jesus over time. It involves a series of actions or steps that children take to achieve the desired end.
- The process begins when we invite children to connect with Jesus and His Story. It develops as the grace and glory of Jesus are revealed.
- The aim of the process is for children to abandon every worldly allegiance and be relentlessly committed to Jesus.
- It happens as children are filled with the Holy Spirit and enlivened by God’s Story.
That connects children with Jesus
- Children’s ministry is relational.
- It happens when children get together with Jesus, i.e. when they’re increasingly captivated by Him.
- The connection begins as children see the glory, wonder and beauty of Jesus, embrace Him in their hearts, and genuinely surrender their lives to live only all for Him. It matures as they worship and walk in His ways (Philippians 2:10-11, Psalm 128:1).
- The core of children’s ministry is this connection with Jesus. That is, Jesus is the raison d’être of children’s ministry.
That connects children with His Story
- Children’s ministry is informed.
- It requires children to engage with God’s Story and receive and re-enact it by actively engaging in it.
- When children internalize God’s Story, it gives meaning and value to their lives.
- It begins when a child’s story is united with and reconfigured by God’s Story. It develops as children learn to indwell the whole Story and be indwelt by the Story. And it matures as children obey and live out the Story in their daily lives.
- This connection with God’s Story frames and forms children’s ministry. That is, God’s Story is the underlying and unifying Word through which Jesus makes Himself known to children.
What’s the goal of children’s ministry?
With the above definition in mind, we must guard against shrinking children’s ministry to something less than it should be. It’s more than parents reading the Bible or praying with their children, more than what happens at a mid-week or Sunday church service, more than Christian living, and more than spiritual formation.
We must guard against shrinking children’s ministry to something less than it should be.CLICK TO TWEET
Children’s ministry is, first and foremost, about Jesus. The destination or goal of children’s ministry isn’t teaching Bible stories, equipping children to participate in a community of faith, moral instruction, or cultivating children’s spiritual health per se. It’s helping children know Jesus as their King and be citizens in His kingdom. And this can only happen when working in tandem with the Holy Spirit, we show children how to sever their earthly attachments or loyalties and pledge total allegiance to the One who endured the cross, destroyed death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel (cf. 2 Timothy 1:10).
Consider this verse of Scripture: “In him, all things (including children’s ministry) hold together” Colossians 1:17. Jesus is the One who organizes and sustains children’s ministry. He’s the lifeblood, the very pulse of children’s ministry. He’s the Person who shapes it and draws it together. So, if Jesus isn’t at the heart of how we’re defining children’s ministry, it isn’t children’s ministry!